Communication System–II CS-2 ECE-5th/May 2018 Diploma Paper

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Communication System-2 5th Semester ECE May 2018 Diploma Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             10×1.5=15

    a. LRC stands for Longitudinal Redundancy Check. 
    b. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
    c. Information can be defined in two forms Digital or analog
     d. In TDM frame is divided into Slots.
     e. Space division switching requires too many Switches.
     f. In communication technology, equalizer is used to compensate for signal loss over long distances.
      g. PSK stands for Phase Shift Keying.
       h. IC 8251 is a USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter.
       i. A full-duplex modem will allow simultaneous transmission in both the directions.
        j. Generally, the medium for FAX communication is Telephonic.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

      i. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of digital communication system.
      ii. What is Parity? Explain how it detects error.
     iii. Compare synchronous and asynchronous transmission.
     iv. What is principle of Amplitude Shift keying? How is it generated?
       v. Explain the features of modern fax machines.
      vi. What is radio telemetry? What are its applications?
     vii. List down the various types of Modem and briefly explain them


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

       a. With help of neat Diagram explain coherent Binary FSK transmitter and receiver
       b. Explain the USART in detail with diagram
       c. Explain Stored program control processor and its application in electronic exchange
       d. Write short notes on (any two)
            i. Echo suppressors
            ii. CRC
            iii. Hamming code
      e. Explain the following terms (any two)
             i. Equalizers
             ii. Distortion
            iii. Space division switches

CS-2 5th Semester ECE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section a CS-2 5Th Semester ECE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

LRC stands for ______________

LRC stands for Longitudinal Redundancy Check. 

ASCII Stands for __________

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

Information can be defined in two forms ______ or analog

Information can be defined in two forms Digital or analog

In TDM frame is divided into __________

In TDM frame is divided into Slots.

Space division switching requires too many _____________

Space division switching requires too many Switches.

In communication technology, equalizer is used to compensate for _______________

In communication technology, equalizer is used to compensate for signal loss over long distances.

PSK stands for _________________

PSK stands for Phase Shift Keying.

IC 8251 is a ________________________

IC 8251 is a USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter.

A ____________ modem will allow simultaneous transmission in both the directions.

A full-duplex modem will allow simultaneous transmission in both the directions.

Generally, the medium for FAX communication is __________

Generally, the medium for FAX communication is Telephonic.

CS-2 5th Semester ECE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Section B :CS-2 5th Sem ECE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of digital communication system.

Advantages and disadvantages of digital communication system.

What is Parity? Explain how it detects error.

Parity and how it detects error.

Compare synchronous and asynchronous transmission.

Compare synchronous and asynchronous transmission.

What is principle of Amplitude Shift keying? How is it generated?

Principle of Amplitude Shift keying

Explain the features of modern fax machines.

Explain the features of modern fax machines.

What is radio telemetry? What are its applications?

Radio telemetry and its applications?

List down the various types of Modem and briefly explain them

Various types of Modem 

CS-2 5th Semester ECE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

CS-2 5th Semester ECE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section c :-cs-2 5th Sem CSE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

With help of neat Diagram explain coherent Binary FSK transmitter and receiver

Explain coherent Binary FSK transmitter and receiver

Explain the USART in detail with diagram

USART in detail with diagram

Explain Stored program control processor and its application in electronic exchange

Stored program control processor and its application in electronic exchange

Write short notes on Echo suppressors

Echo suppressors

Short Note on CRC


Hamming code

Hamming code

Explain the following terms i) Equalizers


ii Distortion

            iii. Space division switches

iii. Space division switches

Space division switches

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